
You Are Not a Lion.

If humans aren’t meant to eat meat, why do animals eat other animals? A question I often get asked. Although the question is bizarre (just replace the word humans by the word butterflies or koalas, and you’ll see why), this would be my answer:

Animals that eat other animals are carnivores that don’t have another choice than to follow their instinct – unlike free-willed humans. The lion instinctively hunts zebras to survive. It can’t peel bananas, nor can its digestive system process them.

As animal activist Gary Yourofsky once explained to a cliché-spewing i24 reporter who taught she pushed him into a corner with the predictable human-lion analogy: “I notice you have clothes on, and that you have a cell phone and a computer. It is unfair to pick one thing that lions do that you want to mimic, when you don’t want to mimic anything else they do. When lions walk up and greet each other, they sniff each other’s ass. When I came in this room, you did not kneel down and sniff my ass. Lions sometimes kill their young when they’re runts. If human beings killed their baby because they didn’t want him, we would arrest them and charge them with murder. Could you go to a courtroom and say “Hey but, your honour, lions kill their babies”?

The point is clear: you’re not a lion. You’re a herbivore – albeit a self-denying one. Our physiology, anatomy and even psychology clearly demonstrate this. There is no child in the world that would not be traumatised by the sight of slaughter. Unlike the lion, eating animal protein makes you ill. Sciencists have associated it with digestive and reproductive cancers, dementia, MS, and multiple other pathologies. If a species is carnivorous, all members are, without exception. There are no vegan lions, but there are millions of vegan, thriving humans.

If you are interested in more proofs that humans shoudn’t eat like lions, and aren’t afraid to have your deeply engrained beliefs challenged, I recommend watching ‘What The Health’ and ‘The Game Changers’, both oh which are available on Netflix.

Identity Politics

Faux Feminism.

I’m not fond of western social justice warriors, because they fight for causes that have long been accomplished. Black Lives started mattering a long time ago, when the Republican Party voted against the enslavement of black people.

If institutional racism was real, the highest office in America would’ve never been held by a black man for two consecutive terms. True racists would simply not have allowed that. In fact, America is the least racist country in the world. True SJW’s like Martin Luther King paved the way for that accomplishment. And black people who dare say they don’t feel oppressed, are silenced by the mainstream media.

Other warriors whose struggle is long overdue, are feminists. If women are truly oppressed in the west, they wouldn’t have the right to vote, obtain university degrees, open a banc account without their husband’s permission, and divorce him whenever she pleases.

“Woman is the Nigger of the World” – John Lennon lyrics that inspired the original feminists, who fought for rights that were factually denied to them. Breaking free from their second-rate role as cherry pie baking housewives, be financially independent, and have their voices heard was their goal – a goal they attained with great succes.

Western contemporary feminists are not feminists, but females who blame males for everything that’s dysfunctional in their lives. If you’re a feminist in Saudi Arabia and fight for your right to leave your house without a male companion, I salute you. If you live in Manhattan, brunch with the girls after an overpriced bikram yoga class and scapegoat people for having a penis, I urge you to self-reflect.

While you cry about imaginary wage gaps, women on the other side of the globe get acid thrown in their faces for wearing nail polish, get their clitoris cut off without sedation, and are forced to marry men who could be their grandfather. So, if you really care about oppressed women, please protest in front of the embassies of Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and the dozens of other countries where women are systemically and brutally oppressed.

Or go vegan, as veganism is the only true social justice war that needs to be waged in the west today, and the only credible form of feminism. The milk you poor on your kid’s cereal in the morning, comes from a female cow who was raped by a farmer who injected bull sperm into her vagina. That cow needs to be pregnant and deliver a calve to be able to lactate. Only then can humans attach machines to her udders and steal their milk. When her newborn is taken away from her, she cries for weeks.

A chicken is obliged to stand in her own feces in tiny cages that cut her feet. The pain and the smell of ammonia make her lose her mind, so she attacks other chickens.

A farmed female sturgeon is cut open alive for her black eggs and thrown back into the water, so socialites who call themselves feminists can stuff their mouth with caviar on parties where they discuss how horrible men are.

True feminism is about compassion for the females – human and animal females – that are denied all the rights. The right to a life without suffering, and the right to their own pursuit of happiness. These are not rights we should give them, but birthrights we have taken from them. They are the birthrights of all females.

And revolting against that, is what I call true feminism.

Identity Politics

The Pathology of Pride.

It is typical of millennials to say they are proud of an identity they didn’t do anything for. 

I’m proud to be Sicilian. 

I’m proud to be a woman. 

I’m proud to be a ginger. 

I’m proud to be gay. 

I’m proud of my big ass.

We all left our mother’s womb in a certain country, with certain genitalia, a certain hair color, certain bodily proportions and a tendency to like the same sex, the opposite sex, both sexes, or no sex at all. These characteristics are an expression of ancestral chromosome combinations endowed upon us – they are not achievements we worked hard for. We didn’t need to acquire any knowledge or savoir faire to receive them. Therefore, being a blonde Norwegian lesbian with freckles is not worthy of pride any more than being an asexual albino from China. 

This addiction of being proud for no valid reason is, along with pathological positivity and the ubiquitous political correctness, a quickly emerging psychological disorder of the new generation. These youth, who overwhelmingly adapt neo-Marxist thought patterns they hear in universities and on social media platforms, fall right into the trap of the divisive identity politics of the radical left. They don’t have liberties to fight for. They can vote, travel, study, and pursue happiness like never before in the history of mankind. The common enemies – men, nazis, capitalists, heterosexuals – have been defeated. So, they created a new one:

The white, western, heterosexual, healthy, successful, intelligent male.  

(Imagine claiming you’re proud of having that identity. You would likely risk social isolation and accusations of racism, misogynism, elitarianism, and other  -isms that now escape my mind.) 

They love ugliness instead of beauty and admire stupidity instead of intelligence. They despise symmetry, harmony and refinement, and worship ostentatiousness, insolence, and vulgarity. Their egos crave being caressed for having no talent. Individuals who do have talent and a remarkable mind have better occupations than to emphasize immutable parts of their identity and to venerate their reflection in the water, like the mythological hunter Narcissus. He drowned.  

I rarely hear people say,

I’m proud to be serving meals to the homeless in my free time, or

I’m proud to volunteer at an animal sanctuary on Sundays, or

I’m proud to have donated a thousand euros to an orphanage last month, or

I’m proud to have practiced four hours of violin every day for a decade and play Paganini like a virtuoso. 

That’s because those who actually do something to be proud of, give authenticity and meaning to their existence. They find joy in doing just that, without the need to prostitute themselves for likes of other proud people, popping up on their smartphone screens. 

Pride is an ugly thing – but if you want to be proud, you have to at least accomplish something. Being born the way you are is just too bloody easy. 


You finally found me.

I am delighted you showed up. People who read are a rarity in this postmodern era, so your presence here is applauded.

I am Alexandra, also known among many by the anagram Xela. Etymologically, my name means ‘warrior against mankind’, and in a way, it defines me. I do wage a proverbial war against the status quo, the weapon I use is my inked feather (aka Macbook keyboard), and my battlefield is the worldwide web.

Writing is what I love doing most (besides playing the piano) and also what I do best. Subiteanous bursts of inspiration make words flow out of my pen. I used to publish my writings solely on social media, until a reader urged me to boost my lectorate and start a blog.

So here they are: my reflections about multiple issues faced by humanity in this new, post-pandemic world. I write about a myriad of subjects, including politics, the arts, theophilosophy, etymology, medicine, the environment, literature, and animal rights.

English is not my native language – Dutch and French are. But because of its beauty, richness, and international character, it is my language of choice to verbalise my thoughts.

Be welcome. Thoughtful comments are much appreciated.