
Peter Pansexual

Walt Disney has decided to transform their animated movie ‘Snowwhite’, based on a 19th century fairy tale that was published by the Brothers Grimm, into ‘Snowwoke and the 7 Magical Creatures’.

I kid you not!

In the original story, not yet rewritten by dangerous far-left ideologues, Snowwhite’s name is derived from the fact her skin is ‘white as snow’. But the colour white makes lots of people nervous nowadays… Perhaps the actress playing Snowwoke will be a woman of colour, with a skin as brown as snow.

The roles of the seven dwarfs will not go to dwarfs. Talk about inclusivity of the dwarf community, who almost never get cast into movies anyway, except as elves, and … right – dwarfs!

To help Disney in their fierce pursuit of wokism and the destruction of everything beautiful, innocent and traditional, I hereby suggest some woke titles for futur woke remakes of movies:

Peter Pansexual
The Lion Queen
Sleeping LGBeauTy
Bimbo Bambi
Cinderella sniffs dope in Coachella

In you feel inspired, feel free to add more titles in the comments!