
The Truth about Zion.

Of course, I am pro-Palestinian. That is, in the light of the definition most people invoke when they hear the word ‘Palestinians’: an oppressed people living under the terror of the Zionist coloniser, who only have some miserable stones to defend themselves against the high-tech violence of the Israeli army.

Yet this simplistic definition calls for nuance – or rather, for thorough revision. Those who seriously studied the history of Israel and understand the spirit of radical Islam realise it is the diametrical opposite of the truth. The Palestinians are indeed oppressed and their human rights are far from being respected. The oppressor, however, is not the world’s most demonised country called Israel, but Harakat-al Muqawama al-Islamiyah, better known by its acronym Hamas.

Since the 7th of October 2023, millions of Westerners have revealed themselves to be their useful idiots, fighting for a cause they don’t grasp, utterly confused as they are about this group’s identity and aims. The mainstream media’s heroic portrayal of Hamas as local indigenous heroes liberating their people from the colonising European invaders is very palatable for wokists who love to view the world through the dichotomous lens of victims and perpetrators.

Reality, however, paints a different picture in which Hamas is a globe-spanning network of islamofascists whose aspirations are antagonistic to freedom. Do Hamas-supporting feminists know Hamas hangs women? Do Queers for Palestine understand Hamas throws homosexuals off rooftops? Do peace activists wearing keffiyeh scarves realise Hamas beheads infidels like them?

They probably didn’t read Hamas’ Charter either. The preamble of this document, written by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin who co-founded the group out of the remnants of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in 1987, unequivocally states:

“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them (…) Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

The liberation of people and the reacquisition of land were never part of Yassin’s agenda. Driving the Jews (and all other kafirs, for that matter) into the sea was his most urgent priority and the prerequisite to the foundation of a totalitarian theocracy. Hamas means Islamic Resistance Movement, not Palestinian Resistance Movement, and Yassin was an imam, not a politician! Why are their attacks remembered by religious names, like the Al Aqsa Flood? Those still believing the conflict is of a territorial rather than religious nature are hopelessly unaware of the true face of Hamas and its ultimate motive:

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be…

a Sharia-ruled caliphate, or what any individual since the Enlightenment would consider the remotest opposite of free. Hamas vowed not to rest until this goal is a tangible fact, and they are willing to sacrifice anyone standing in their way, including the people who elected them.

Palestinians who disobey the rules are routinely abducted, tortured, and executed with an unspeakable atrocity that is reminiscent of the modus operandi of Daesh. The brother of Atta Najjar, a former police officer under the Palestinian Authority with a mental disability, was serving a 15-year prison sentence after he was arrested in 2009 and subsequently convicted of collaborating with Israel. In August 2014, he was taken out of prison and executed. His brother, who retrieved his body from the al-Shifa hospital morgue, testified:

“There were marks of torture and 30 bullet shots on his body. His arms and legs were broken. His body was as if you’d put it in a bag and smashed it. He had slaughter marks around his neck. And from behind the head, there was no brain”.

Hamas are not freedom fighters who believe in humanity – they are death-worshipping terrorists who believe in bestiality.

To all those who now glorify this bestiality and raise the Palestinian flag (which was, by the way, created by the British occupier): why didn’t you take it to the streets when Bashar al-Assad’s forces killed half a million Muslims in Syria? Why did you not condemn the terror of Isis, who chopped off tens of thousands of Libyan heads? Where were you when Saudi Arabia starved 400,000 Yemenites? How come you didn’t raise the Syrian, Libyan, and Yemenite flags then? Why did you not raise your voice in front of the embassies of Sudan, Chad, Lebanon, Somalia, Lybia, and all the other Islamic dictatorships masquerading as democracies, where Muslims are being butchered every single day?


When millions of Sunnis are slaughtered by Shiites or vice versa (12,5 million dead in the last 25 years), you remain silent, but when far less Arabs perish in defensive actions of Tsahal, you fulminate your selective outrage. It seems you are only eager to condemn evil if Jews are involved.

What drives your Palestinomania is not a genuine compassion for an oppressed people, but the same sentiment that drives Hamas: a deep-rooted hatred against Jews, even though you will be the first to point out your the imaginary distinction between Zionists and Jews. If you would honour that distinction, random Jews wouldn’t currently be harassed in the streets of Manhattan and Paris, and the phrase ‘Gas the Jews’ wouldn’t be scanted in front of Sydney’s Opera. Any sane person understands that anti-Zionism is the politically correct term for antisemitism.

Antisemitism is an ugly beast with many faces, but what distinguishes Western non-Muslim antisemites from their Islamist counterparts is that the latter, in addition to parroting murderous slurs, are not afraid to put it into practice. Another difference are the sources that inspire them:

“The Jews are the heirs of hell (…) They will spare no pain to corrupt you. They desire nothing but your ruin. Their hatred is clear from what they say (…) When evil befalls you, they rejoice.” – Surah 111, verse 117 – 120.

This is merely one of hundreds of antisemitic Quranic and Hadith verses that are today drilled into the malleable minds of Palestinian children in madrassahs (and every intelligence agency in the West knows radical imams use the same verses in Jihad-justifying sermons they give in mosques subsidised with taxpayer money).

A tiringly predictable argument is that “the Bible is full of violence as well”, often used by people who don’t even own one. Had I received a penny every time I heard this phrase, I would now be wealthier than Ismail Haniyeh. The violent scenes occurring in Judeo-Christian biblical stories are plentiful indeed. The difference, however, lies in the fact that they never directly incite the reader to commit acts of violence. No Jew sacrifices his own son because Abraham attempted to in the book of Genesis, and I have yet to read a New Testament paragraph commanding the stabbing of people who don’t accept Jesus as their Messiah. The tales of the Torah and the Gospels are symbolic of the condition humaine. They invite the reader to reflect on his own life and do not contain direct provocations to harm any existing people, race, or creed. Which can hardly be claimed of the following surah:

“Allah’s Apostle said, the hour will not be established until you fight the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say: O Muslim! O slave of Allah! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.” – Sahih al-Bukhari 2926.

Islamist apologists will say these verses are ripped out of their context – even if the last sentence of that verse is an imperative which means what it means, regardless of any context. But rest assured that Hamas and Salafist groups in Gaza, like Jund Ansar Allah (Soldiers of God’s supporters), Jaysh Al-Islam (Army of Islam), Jaysh Al-Umma (Army of the Nation), and al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (Monotheism and Jihad), who often commit terror attacks against Hamas for not being fanatical enough (!), are not preoccupied with potential underlying significations, anyway. Fundamentalists rarely are.

The Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem certainly took the verse literally when he, on the 28th of November 1941, conspired with the Führer to bring the Shoah to the Middle East. Haj Amin al-Husseini indeed recruited no less than 20 000 Muslim volunteers to help the SS killing Jews in Croatia and Hungary, making him Hitler’s most important collaborator in the Arab world. A historical tidbit seldom mentioned in our ever-radicalising neo-Marxist, Islamophilic academic institutions – former bastions of objective knowledge, nowadays training camps for SJW’s.

The admiration for the Nazis held by Hamas and their fans worldwide has not diminished since, as is demonstrated by their shameless copying of the Nazi salute. However, the esteem for one of the most murderous ideologies in history is not exclusive to them. A member of the political party Fatah, the main rival of Hamas who rules the West Bank, said in an interview that “Hitler was not morally corrupt – he was daring”. An op-ed in the official Palestinian newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida claimed that “Had Hitler won, Nazism would be an honor that people would be competing to belong to, and not a disgrace punishable by law”.

A Palestinian freelance journalist, Shatha Hammad, posted a comment on Facebook saying “Me and Hitler are friends. We share the same ideology, especially regarding the extermination of the Jews”. She was seemingly oblivious to the fact Adolf would have eagerly pushed her into a gas chamber along with the Jews she despises, for not fitting into his Arian Weltanschauung. According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, an Arabic translation of Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf’ was a best-seller in the Palestinian territories and East-Jerusalem. A clothing store owner in Gaza called his store ‘Hitler 2’ and displayed masked mannequins with knives taped to their hands.

This evidence leads to the conclusion no journalist ever mentions: the sad fact that antisemitism is not only present, but ubiquitous among the Palestinians. It is this ancient odium, not a longing for peace, that lies at the core of the conflict.

Hamas does not want a two-state solution, it wants a Final Solution.

In other words, their wish is not to share the land with Jews – they want every Jew gone, preferably dead. The irony is, these Islamic neo-Nazis did initially not seize power with a coup d’état but were democratically elected! In 2006, they literally voted for their own oppressors who don’t view them as human beings, but as human shields when they are alive and propaganda tools when they are dead… which explains the location of their headquarters and storage of their weapons in hospitals and underneath kindergartens.

Hamas doesn’t care about Palestinian children – they are just a Machiavellian means to an end – but they know you do. Mossab Hassan Youssef, son of one of the founders of Hamas, explains:

“It doesn’t get any darker than this. Hamas is using the so-called Palestinian cause, but they care the least about the Palestinian children and their future. I am the legitimate representative of those children, and no one coming from the other side of the world should tell me about their struggle. They have been hijacked by these criminals, and anybody who takes their side, is participating in their crime.”

When the IDF tells civilians to evacuate, Hamas builds roadblocks, hoping a maximum of people will be crushed by Israeli missiles. And while Palestinian women and children agonise and bleed to death, the billionaire leaders of Hamas hide in their grandiose mansions in safe places far away from the explosions, cheering as they watch the events unfold on their big flatscreens.

Another irony is the object of Palestinian hatred actually values their human rights beyond the mere use of words. It is Israeli factories and plants that supply the Palestinians with free water and fuel, not Saudi Arabia. It is Israeli trucks who transport thousands of tons of free food packages into Gaza, not the Emirates. It is the Israeli government who grant Palestinians work permits to come into Israel and earn a living so they can provide for their families, not Egypt. It is Israeli hospitals who propose free medical care and surgeries to Palestinians who cannot afford them, not Qatar – and it was an Israeli surgeon who removed a tumour from Hamas’ leader Yahya Sinwar’s brain, not a Jordanian one.

Even after October 7th, it is Israeli military aircrafts who dispatch paper leaflets before launching precision missiles at terrorist targets, in an attempt to minimise the number of casualties. IDF call centers still warn civilians of upcoming bombings, so they can save themselves. Which other army in the world would behave this way, after babies have been burned alive?

How regrettable for the fleeing Palestinians that Israel’s neighbours do not display the same level of ethics. Not one country in the vast Arab peninsula has offered to open its borders to Gazans who now desperately want to exit the Strip. In the words of King Abdullah II:

“No refugees in Egypt, no refugees in Jordan.”

An unsurprising statement coming from a man whose father commanded the largest massacre of Palestinians in recent history – but today’s generation is clueless (or conveniently forgetful) about the 25000 refugees murdered by the Jordanian army in that Black September of 1970. Groups of guerillas then escaped to Lebanon and joined the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Together with the terror group Hezbollah, they murdered thousands of Lebanese Jews and Christians in the civil war of 1975. Brigitte Gabriel, Lebanese survivor of terror and founder of Act for America, explains:

“When Lebanese Muslims and Palestinians declared jihad on Christians in 1975, we didn’t even know what that word meant. We had taken the Palestinians in, giving them refuge in our country. We gave them jobs and shared our way of life with them. What started as a political war spiraled very fast into a religious war between Muslims and Christians, with Lebanese Muslims joining the PLO fighting the Christians. We didn’t realise the depth of their hatred and resentment toward us as infidels. The more that Christians refused to get involved in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and to allow the Palestinians to use Lebanon as a launching pad from which to attack Israel, the more the Palestinians looked at us as the enemy. Muslims started making statements such as “First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday,” meaning first we fight the Jews, then we come for the Christians”.

It seems that also back then, the Palestinians were not interested in peaceful co-existence. If that would be their actual goal, they would have grabbed the opportunity that was given to them on a golden platter in 2005. This is the year Ariel Sharon decided upon a complete withdrawal from Gaza, enforcing every Jewish family at gunpoint to move elsewhere. They abandoned their homes and their industries. Even the bones of the deceased were dug out from their graves. Not one single Jew, alive or dead, remained. The 41 kilometers long coastal strip became completely Judenrein.

Astronomous amounts of money were donated to help Gaza. The United Nations, the European Union, and many other institutions displayed great generosity. Jewish New York millionaire James D. Wolfensohn raised 14 million dollars to compensate the settlers for the greenhouses they left behind, so the inhabitants of Gaza could have them and start afresh.

This financial influx had the potential to create an even more prosperous economy than what the Israelis had already established. The export of agricultural products, the enhancement of infrastructure with shopping centers, medical facilities, libraries, and cultural hubs, and restaurants could have driven this growth. The Israelis, among which many Sephardic Jews who share and appreciate the Arab culture and cuisine, could have become their customers, just like they have always been the customers of Arab merchants living in Yafo and Haifa. Beach resorts could have been built to attract millions of tourists. Gaza had all the assets to become a second Singapore.

Palestinian families could all have moved from refugee camps to permanent homes. Their children could attend new schools. With the cessation of terror attacks, the fences that separate Gaza and the West Bank from Israel would have been broken down. With time, they could have become friends instead of foes. No more stabbings. No more missiles. No more bombings. A brighter future for all was on the horizon.

In the year 2005, the Palestinians could have chosen peace and prosperity. Instead, they chose war and destruction.

The tsunami of cash was not invested in bettering their own lives, but in the perpetuation of violence. Within 24 hours after the Jewish exodus from Gaza, they not only burned down 125 synagogues, but destroyed the greenhouses they received, and stole the copper out of the pipes and the faucets! The daily firing of hundreds of missiles at Israel continued as if nothing had happened. Among their targets were no military bases but schools, shopping malls, and also Jerusalem, which they claim to be their cherished holy capital (but that is not mentioned once in their Scripture). Another investment was the digging of a monstrous subterranean spider web of tunnels, used for covert smuggling of automatic rifles from Egypt into Israel and creating more blood baths.

Which begs the question: how do cruel terror attacks, of which the foreseeable outcome is a reaction of an overwhelmingly superior military, relieve the misery of the Palestinian people in any thinkable way?

Firing missiles and digging tunnels are an outrageously expensive affair – it costs about one million euros to dig one kilometer of tunnel and the price of one missile is around one thousand euros. Who foots the bill? Western governments, appeased with the thought of giving charity to the poor Palestinians. Iran, who after signing a lucrative nuclear deal with those same governments became Hamas’ most consistent sponsor with 100 million dollars per year. Qatar, who sent 360 million dollars in 2021. Lucrative deals with South American drug traffickers. And last but not least, Muslims worldwide who donate zakat to charity organizations controlled by Hamas. The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund donates up to five thousand dollars to the families of suicide bombers. The more Jews are killed, to greater the reward for parents who can apparently tolerate the idea of their own son or daughter, often teenagers, pressing the detonation button.

What else motivates those parents? The perspective of Jannah, where soldiers of Allah are rewarded with rivers of wine and orgies with houris? The celebrity status they acquire? Or the hatred for Jews so deeply entrenched in their psyche that sacrificing a child is a price they are willing to pay? Golda Meir’s famous words come to mind:

“Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us”.

By supporting Hamas, Palestinomaniacs help them perpetuating their threefold abuse of the Palestinian people. First, Hamas abuses them as martyrs to exterminate a maximum of Jews. Then, they abuse them as cannon fodder to protect themselves from the Israeli response and to maximise civilian casualties (which are then again blamed on Israel). And finally, they abuse them to extort money from the international community through pity.

Pity for the Palestinians who live under the Zionist so-called Apartheid regime – one of the many myths kept alive by ignorami who seem unaware of the fact that the 1.8 million Israeli Arabs go to the same schools, shop in the same supermarkets, work in the same office buildings, travel in the same subways, swim in the same pools, and share exactly the same rights as the Israeli Jews. In fact, the only Muslims in this world who can say they have any rights, who can enjoy free speech and freedom of religion, are the ones who live in the Jewish state. Some of them proudly defend Israel in the IDF, even though the government does not oblige them to, despite granting them the same privileges.

When former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert was sentenced to prison by Israel’s Supreme Court, no foreign reporter emphasised that the judge who announced the verdict, Justice Salim Joubran, was an Arab Muslim. An inconvenient fact that would shatter the lie of Israeli Apartheid – at least, in the uncorrupted and intellectually honest mind. I challenge you to find one single Jew in any parliament of any Muslim country – you likely won’t, since most Jewish communities in Muslim countries have been ethnically cleansed, and the remaining Jews are considered second-class dhimmis who are prohibited from holding senior positions in political parties. The Knesset, on the other hand, has many representatives of the people they allegedly want to keep apart.

Israel is not an Apartheid state as much as Gaza is not an open-air prison (and certainly not a concentration camp, as stated by Norman Finkelstein, perhaps the most fervent Palestinomaniac of all, and author of ‘The Holocaust Industry’ who ironically did the same thing he accused others of doing: monetising the Holocaust). Prisons are places one cannot escape. Palestinians are not prohibited to leave Gaza – they prevented from freely entering Israel, the country they continuously and openly wish to annihilate. Hence, they need to pass security checkpoints, which were built not to make their lives more difficult, but to prevent the smuggle of weapons into the Strip and into Israel. And they prove to be useful: in September 2023, for example, several kilograms of explosives, concealed in an apparel shipment, were discovered at the Kerem Shalom Crossing, the main entry point for humanitarian aid. In the past years, both Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad bombed this crossing four times and damaged the fuel lines, which were the only way to bring diesel and gasoline into Gaza in significant quantities.

The Palestinians shoot themselves in the foot, and the dismal conditions they live in are the logical consequences of their own choices and actions. They have locked themselves up in a self-fabricated prison of hatred.

(Incidentally, Egypt also restricts travel through the Rafah border… but nobody condemns that, because criticising Muslims would be embarrassingly Islamophobic.)

Another falsehood that is perpetuated and what has been called the biggest political lie of the century by Dr. Walter Pinner, is the real cause of the Naqba, explained by the Arab narrative as the violent massacre and forceful expulsion of the Palestinians from their homes and the theft of their land by Zionists. An article published on the 19th of February 1949 in the Palestinian journal Falastin sheds another light on the event:

“The Arab states encouraged the Arabs of Palestine to temporarily leave their homes to not disturb their invading armies.”

The Jordanian journal Al-Urdum, confirms this. On the 9th of April 1953, it wrote:

“It is our leaders who are responsible for the fleeing and the abandonment of the villages because they spread rumours exaggerating the crimes of the Jews, describing them as atrocities towards women and children, in order to install fear and terror in the hearts of the Arabs of Palestine.”

The majority of Arabs who left did so voluntarily when the governments of Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria urged them to leave, so they their soldiers could enter and destroy the Zionists. That plan didn’t work out, since the exact opposite happened: each of the five Arab armies was defeated by the Jews, who did not even have a full-fledged military of their own!

Despite this defeat, the ‘refugees’ made a sly propaganda tool to convince the world how evil the Jews were for ‘kicking the Arabs out of their homes’. Another important stimulus to abandon their homes was the appeal of the refugee camps of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), which were better than standard housing, causing many non-refugee residents of Judea Samaria and Gaza to fraudulently declare themselves refugees in order to gain access to free food, medication, and education.

Another common misconception is the number of refugees that were created, cited at 750 000 by most Arab sources. A closer look at the population data and statements made my UN officials at the time suggest that the true figure is much lower than that, possibly as low as 270 000. In order to receive extra funding, many refugees identified themselves twice before UNRWA officials, the first time dressed in western clothing and the second time in jubba and hijab, and subsequently received more than one identity card. They eagerly reported births but reluctantly reported deaths to continue collecting the deceased person’s food. According to the Cairo-based Mideast Mirror,

“There are refugees who hold as many as 500 ration cards, 499 of them belonging to refugees long dead. There are dealers in UNRWA food and clothing and ration cards to the highest bidder.”

The creation of the state of Israel as an act of colonialism is another stubborn lie greedily absorbed by Palestinomaniacs. Despite the many genocidal attempts of conquerors, Jews have always lived in the region between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea. It is inaccurate to say Israel only came into existence because of the Holocaust – Jews from Eastern Europe already immigrated to Israel in the late 18th century, before the first Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897!

As soon as Theodor Herzl expressed his idea of the establishment of a Jewish homeland in the Middle East, wealthy Arab families from Damascus and Beirut started purchasing large tracts of land in what was then part of the Ottoman Empire, to sell it with great profit to the Jews fleeing the European hostility fueled by the Dreyfus Affair. With the financial help of Baron Edmond James de Rothschild and other philanthropists, the Jewish National Fund and the Palestine Land Development Company also bought land, mostly in the Jezreel and Jordan Valley where the Arab population was sparse, and the soil was poor. At the time of the UN partition vote in 1947, most of the land not already owned by Jews was public. Very little land was privately-owned by Arabs.

Colonisers do not pay for land – they simply occupy it, like the Brits who conquered Israel from the Ottomans after World War I, after issuing the Balfour Declaration declaring the British Government’s position favouring the establishment of a Jewish homeland. This declaration enraged the Arabs, who then destroyed one Jewish settlement after the other: Tel Hai (1920), Bnei Yehuda (1920), Kfar Saba (1921), Kfar Mahal (1921), Kfar Uria, Ruhama, Hartuv, Huda, Motza, Poria, Gaza (1929), and Beit She’an (1936).

Another Palestinomaniac lie is the so-called genocide of the Palestinians. As historian Yuval Noam Harari stated, the Israeli government does not only have the right, but the duty to defend its citizens. Accusing their acts of defense as being genocidal is completely senseless. Those believing this absurdity should honestly reflect on the following questions:

Why, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, has the Palestinian population doubled 10 times since the creation of Israel? Why doesn’t Israel try to eliminate or chase away the 1,8 million Arabs who live within its borders, like nearly every Muslim country has done to their Jewish communities over the past century? Why don’t these allegedly existentially threatened Arabs emigrate to other countries? And finally, why does Israel not eviscerate the entirety of Gaza in one single day? It has the power to do so, and the world does not acknowledge this power is not being abused.

Accusing Israel of genocide is as preposterous as accusing the Lion of London of genociding the Germans by bombing Berlin and Dresden to defeat the Nazis. Every war waged in history involved civilian casualties – they are unintended yet inevitable, and the tragic price to pay to prevent greater evils from happening. Israelis don’t rejoice when Palestinians die – many of them dedicate their lives advocating for their rights. To Palestinians however, there is no such thing as collateral damage – every dead Jew is a reason to celebrate out in the streets, with baklava, music, and the same joy they expressed about the 2996 victims of 9/11.

Those who fail to see the difference between Hamas’ intention of deliberately slaughtering, raping, and beheading of Israeli citizens – which could be called truly genocidal – and the IDF’s defensive intention resulting in collateral damage, have a broken moral compass. Being unable to distinguish between good and evil is a clear symptom of the ever-expanding plague of moral relativism.

The greatest myth of all might be Palestine itself. ‘Palestine’ describes a geographic area, not a national identity. Never in the course of history has there been an independent Palestinian State, with a distinct Palestinian identity reflected in a national anthem, flag, government, and army.

Before 63 BC, the region was called Judea, which literally means Land of the Jews. After conquering Judea, the Romans named it Syria Palestinae, after the Jew’s arch enemy, the Philistines, in an effort to erase Jewish historical connections and to suppress Jewish rebellion. The name Palestine, rooted in Roman antisemitism, has since been an umbrella term for all the people who lived there – Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Which is why Golda Meir stated:

“I am a Palestinian!”

The term Palestinian as used to refer to Arabs was not used until 1964, when the Russian KGB helped Egypt’s president, Abdul Nasser, create the PLO. Before that, Jews were called Palestinians too. Whom the world understands to be Palestinians today, are the people living in Gaza, the West Bank, East-Jerusalem. They are not the indigenous people of Israel, but a mixture of Jordanian, Lebanese, Syrian, and Egyptian people immigrants who settled into the region over the centuries. Their unwillingness to live alongside the Jews is reflected in their repetitive rejection of every single two-state solution proposal, from the White paper, the Peel Report, the UN Partition Plan, the Camp David Summit, the Taba Summit, to the Annapolis Conference, and their never-ending initiation of violence.

Since its establishment, Israel didn’t exist one single day without being attacked, and without the technological wonder of the Iron Dome, Ahmedinejad’s dream to wipe the country off the map would have been fulfilled a long time ago. Hamas shares that dream, just like Al Qaeda, Isis, and hundreds of other Islamic terror groups who are synonymous to Hamas.

Hamas is the embodiment of evil, for only evil can burn a baby alive – whether in the ovens of Auschwitz or a kitchen oven in the kibbutz of Be’eri. Both were Holocausts, and both are being denied. Anyone genuinely seeking Truth has no way of concluding otherwise. Deniers, whether from the historical Holocaust in Europe or the recent Holocaust in Israel, are either ignorant or evil enough to stand up for the defense of the perpetrators. And that defense makes them complicit in the plight of the Palestinian people. If the world’s genuine wish is for the Palestinian people to be free, Hamas must be obliterated – a task only Israel can and will fulfill. The irony is that in the end, it will be the Jews who will free Palestine.

Once Hamas is dealt with, the Mossad has other fish to fry: Hezbollah, a much larger and stronger terror group and its patron Iran, who share Hamas’ vision:

Itbah Al-Yahud,

or slaughter the Jews – a blood libel screamed buy the mullahs of Teheran, and Palestinomaniacs all over the globe. But make no mistake: regardless of how many times they hashtagged #freepalestine, they are still considered infidels, and they can’t wait to slaughter them, too. Israel is the Little Satan, but next in line is the Great Satan called the West.

Westerners have already had a taste of Islamist terrorism – Parisian cartoonists were shot, French priests were slaughtered, Bataclan concert goers were fusilladed, a Dutch moviemaker was stabbed to death, Brussels airport was blown up, German Christmas markets strollers have been crushed by a truck, random people in London are being assaulted day. The list is endless, and all the murderers squealed how great Allah is. And yet, after all this, the world is still unable to make the connection with an islamist massacre in another secular country – a connection that couldn’t be more obvious to those not indoctrinated by moral relativity and not silenced by political correctness.

9/11 = 22/3 = 14/11 = 19/12 = 7/10.

If all these attacks have not been sufficient to heighten the awareness of about the dangers of radical Islam, what will?

I am a Zionist at heart, and I unapologetically stand for the Jewish nation. Not out of political conviction but out of sheer humanity, of believing in the right and the absolute necessity of its existence, as the only place where Jews can truly be safe from the world’s animosity that is either latent or loud, but always present. All those who value the merits of humanism and democracy, who stand for liberty of thought and speech, freedom of religion, equality between the sexes, and the pursuit of happiness, should be a Zionist as well, and stand for the only nation in the Middle East that embodies all of these values.

Zion… 3000 years old but 75 years young! Three millenia ago, it existed under King David, who named Yerushalaim as its eternal capital. 75 years ago, it rose out of the ashes of the Holocaust in order not never let it happen again – but they tried again, on the 7th of October 2023. Less people were killed, but the hatred was the same.

The Jews assimilated in Europe – they were the intellectual and ethical crème dde la crème of the European population. But Europeans didn’t want them, and Jewish doctors, writers, laywers, and artists were pushed into gas chambers. Now they have a state, they have an army, and they know how to defend themselves. They are thorougly experienced in surviving millennia of genocidal attempts – any attempt to massacre them again, will be in vain.

Am Israel Chai, and shalom.


187 replies on “The Truth about Zion.”

Hoi Xela, een opininiestuk om u tegen te zeggen, met passie en kennis van zaken. Ik wist er niets van voor dit te lezen en onthield me vaak van meningen, dacht dat het te complex was om aan te beginnen, mede omdat het al zo lang aansleept. Maar dat is nu veranderd met geschiedenis, quotes, artikels, en een duidelijk standpunt, zeer goed onderbouwd. Vaak ontroerend, pakkend, verruimend, inspirerend, en tegelijkertijd heel rationeel. Je kan met behulp van deze tekst ook de fouten in de redenatie van andere vinden of leugens, je lijst ze gewoon al op, heel sterk! Dank je om dit te schrijven, ik ben blij dat ik het heb kunnen lezen. Fijne dag verder! Christoph.

Fantastically written. Clear explanations and very well researched. This piece needs to be shared and shared again.

Beyond mind blowing!! Award winning piece!!! I would love to meet you just to say THANK YOU & I hope we meet someday over a wonderful conversation & coffee in the streets of Jerusalem ❤️✡️❤️☮️❤️

Stunning,perfect,full of established facts.
I must congratulate you. And we have to meet us.some facts can be added or not
You explanation give to understand why people still believe in th official narative of the Palestinian,unrwa and united nation.

Dessins de Tim Ibrahim sartawei ,

This text needs to be shared as much as possible. The world needs to know the truth about that satanic cult we call Islam.

“The Jews assimilated in Europe – they were the intellectual and ethical crème dde la crème of the European population” …. I thought only the Nazi’s considered the Germans as “Herrenvolk”…

How smart. Not one word about the terrible situation on the West Bank … 3 million Arabs living under military occupation, since 1967 by the Israel “Defence” Force…. Illegal immigrants from the US, Israël, France, … coming to take (steal) the land of the local population…. to build their own settlements. These colonist create eternal hate. One day, these Arabs just walk to Jerusalem. If they are able just to cross the Gaza border. “Don’t fuck with jews” … really?

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