Identity Politics

Mother’s Semen and Father’s Milk.

’Mother’ is one of the most beautiful words in the English language. Not because the sound of the word is pleasing to the ear, like the sound of ‘serendipity’, ‘mellifluous’ or ‘lullaby’, but because it evokes the universal association with motherhood. Mother takes care of us with all her devotion, she defends us with all her being, she loves us with all her heart. Nothing comforts us like her protecting arms, nothing waves away our worries like her reassuring words. Mother is the first example we follow; she helps us find a way in this unknown world. She nourishes us, physically and mentally. The source of our existence is Mother – even those who do not love her, owe this life and all its gifts to her. The day she’s gone, life will never be the same. The overwhelming majority of all sentient creatures on Earth would agree, instinctively or consciously, that ‘mother’ means love, endless and unconditional.

However, some voices are calling for the banishment of this important word. Saying it could offend some people who belong to the transgender community. Transgenders are people whose sense of personal gender does not correspond to their birth sex. A woman who identifies as a man is a real man in their eyes, and some believe a man can also give birth to a child and breastfeed it. A man can thus be a mother, just as a woman can be a father.

A YouTube video that went viral shows a transgender woman who lets a baby suck on nipples that (obviously) do not eject milk. In other words: a biological man pretends to feed a confused child with imaginary milk, while the real mother, a biological woman with breasts that naturally produce real nutrituous milk the baby needs, takes chemicals to stop lactating. After the so-called ‘chestfeeding’, the baby is ‘supplemented’ with formula. As alternatives to the offensive word ‘mother’, the couple uses the words ‘lactating person’ or ‘childbirthing person’. ‘Breast milk’ is also off the hook and should be called ‘father’s milk’, ‘human milk’ or ‘man milk’.

In some circles, man milk flows out a totally different organ, but that aside. The male chest does not have mammary glands and due to a lack of a uterus and ovaries, men will, fortunately for them, never be burdened with painful deliveries. Any lactating person will always be female. So from an anatomical perspective, these neologisms are blatant falsehoods.

Falsehoods that have become mandatory language in the Maternity Service Department of Brighton and Sussex University Hospital, now called the Perinatal Service Department. The Health Services of Los Angeles County have also implemented the word chestfeeding in their official statements. To accommodate a tiny fraction of the population, western doctors and government agencies are now disapproving of fundamental words that humans have used for millennia. Science has now officially become inferior to gender ideology.

Ironically, the most zealous proclaimers of this ideology are not transgenders, nor are they elected by the transgender community as their spokespersons. They are radical leftist activists whose actions are motivated by virtue signaling, rather than concern for the fate of transgenders. Social media platforms are overwhelmed with their propagandistic that are eagerly absorbed by pubescent teenagers in full identity crisis.

They brainwash malleable minors into believing that sex and gender operate totally independently of each other, which they do not, and that gender is a social rather than a biological construct, a stereotypical behavioural pattern imposed upon us by the patriarchal society that also perpetuates racism and misogyny. The binarity of gender, according to them, is also an archaic and offensive concept, just like any other western value. Instagramscrolling youngsters now think there is an infinite number of genders they can choose from, and their liberal parents are encouraging them in doing so.

Nicholas Matte, a lecturer in Transgender Studies at the University of Toronto, takes this even further and argues that biological sex does not exist – a lie he repeats to hundreds of students every academical year, and no one seems bothered to stop him. Anatomical negationist are free to spread their dangerous ideological nonsense, while those who oppose them are accused of hate speech.

Unsurprisingly, these conceptual and linguistic absurdities are enthusiastically received by New Yorkers who identify as the moral avant-gardists of the world. Their authorities have already recognised more than 30 (sic) protected gender identities, and each of these groups demand their own pronouns. For example, non-binary people, identifying as man neither woman, should be referred to with ‘they’ and ‘their’. Any self-concocted pronoun the brain can come up with, must also be accepted and used by others, like ‘ze’ or ‘hir’. An untenable solution, as no one remembers changes in language that did not evolve naturally in society.

The New York City Commission on Human Rights Law clearly states the following: “The NYCHRL requires employers and covered entities to use the name, pronouns, and title (e.g., Ms./Mrs./Mx.) with which a person self-identifies, regardless of the person’s sex assigned at birth, anatomy, gender, medical history, appearance, or the sex indicated on the person’s identification”. Offenders can receive penalties up to 250 000 dollars.

If we indeed ban the truth and integrate lies into our everyday language, if we meekly watch a politically correct but false consensus enforced by radical left ideologues and the government, we are going down an extremely dangerous path where ideology takes precedence over scientifically indisputable facts, where absurdity overpowers logic.

The manipulation of our vocabulary is not only an attack on logic, but also on free speech. The Canadian professor of psychology Jordan B. Peterson, coined by the New York Times as the most influential intellectual of our time, warns: “The refusal to use new words is not reducible to disrespect for human rights. It is an imposition to free speech that is being implemented at the legislative level. Never before have we needed a law to transform the way people speak. It is one thing to forbid people to say certain things, such as denying the Holocaust, but quite another to require people to use new words that result from ideas of others.”

With free speech will also disappear free thought. After all, language allows the expression of complex thoughts and abstractions, and is the framework in which our world view is formed. When this linguistic framework is manipulated, our thoughts are squeezed into an ideological straitjacket, and our views and opinions are misled a priori. “The limits of language are the limits of my world”, said Ludwig Wittgenstein, language philosopher of the 20th century, in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophus.

The creation of a Newspeak enforced by the government is not a solution at all for the transgender people who feel disadvantaged in society. The idea that using new words would improve transgender people’s status in society or improve their mental health is an unproven assumption. I think it will have exactly the opposite effect: it will widen the divide between transgender people and heterosexuals and worsen their psychological problems.

The many unanswered questions about who they are and who they want to be, often lead to suicidal thoughts, which get worse post-surgery. This tragedy falls like a dark veil over the multi-colored transgender community and is barely addressed by those who claim to fight for their rights. Studies show that 70% of transgender people living in trans-friendly countries have thought about suicide, and that 50% have attempted it. Suicidal people don’t need new terminologies, they need therapy and professionally guided self-reflection.

The only ones who benefit from implementing Newspeak are the neo-Marxist divide-and-rule power-seekers in parliament, who seek to to antagonize the heterosexual and LGBTQIA communities to divert the attention from their own corruption. If they really cared about transgender grief, they would mandate psychological support instead of new words.

“Lactating person” is not only a lie, but also an insulting term that excludes half of the world’s population: real women with real breasts who produce real milk, and who are real mothers.

Let’s stop lying.

Identity Politics

The Royal Racist.

Racists do exist, but the late Queen Elisabeth II, who reigned over the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms for more than seven decades, certainly wasn’t one of them. After all, she gave her blessing to the union of her grandson and a woman who, in another era, wouldn’t have been welcomed in Buckingham Palace: a divorcee with brown skin, red blood and a far from unblemished reputation.

Not exactly a dreamed acquisition for one of the oldest and most powerful dynasties in the world, one could say. Yet Her Majesty condoned her social status, her past and her ethnicity – not that the latter should be condoned, but in the light of Harry’s woke accusations, emphasizing this fact wouldn’t hurt. Did she hope to prove to the public that the monarchy has modernized, and keeps up with the times? Or did she grant Harry true happiness with the woman of his dreams, something she didn’t do for her son, the heir of her throne?

Whatever her motivation may have been, she welcomed Meghan Markle into her family with a stiff upper lip and open arms. Under the euphoric cries of subjects, a fairytale wedding took place. The press wrote nothing but words of praise.

But the sweet scone had a bitter aftertaste. Meghan found the protocols, which she was urged to analyse and follow meticulously, annoying. Marrying into a royal family means spending the rest of your privileged life bathing in unbridled luxury – the least you can do is not slamming the car door behind you, sitting with your legs crossed or wearing black nail polish, if these are the unwritten rules. In addition, the tabloids portrayed her and her fiancé as hypocrites. A portrayal that was not entirely erroneous, considering the fact they flew in private jets while lamenting about the disastrous effects of climate change, and accepted blood diamonds from a Saudi oil sheik while ranting about the exploitation of the poor.

Since their ‘Megxit’ from the monarchy, their hypocrisy has inflating substantially. They no longer wanted to be part of what they despisingly call ‘the Firm’, but wished to keep their noble titles. They wanted to stand on their own two feet, but hoped American taxpayers would finance their security bill. They craved privacy, but signed a million-dollar deal with Netflix for a reality TV show, allowing cameramen to record every intimate detail of their everyday life, for the entire world to see. They claimed to respect the Queen’s wishes, but violated their political neutrality in the US elections by showing their support for criminal organizations such as the Democrat Party and BLM. And as the icing on the high tea cake, they suggested someone of the royal family was… racist! On Oprah, without mentioning names! By accusing nobody specifically, they accused everybody. Who had dared asking Harry about the skin colour of his unborn baby? Was it King Philip, then gagging in the hospital? Or jealous Kate, who allegedly made poor Meghan cry? The public could only guess.

Could it be that our Duchess of Hollywood was frustrated at not becoming the new Lady Di, as she might have hoped? That she was the one who decided to leave the stage, dragging along naïve Harry with her? That she pulled the racist card, the most beloved weapon of the politically correct, to take revenge? Giving the question of the family member a malevolent twist is very easy. And it gives angry social justice warriors another reason to hate privileged white people even more…
Maybe the only racist in Buckinhgham Palace was Meghan Markle.

I suspect that the tolerant Prozac princess might one day no longer tolerate her ginger prince, and the latter will, swiftly and with drooping ears, return to Daddy’s palace. But whether he would be delighted with his son’s coming, remains a royal mystery just yet.

Ethics Identity Politics

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being.

How does one demolish the issue of racism? First of all, by not talking about it. You’re not white, black, red or yellow. You’re a human being. The level of pigmentation of your skin doesn’t matter, and constantly reaffirming your skin colour only sharpens the divide.

That’s what Morgan Freeman thinks. This black actor is tired about the endless debates surrounding race – and so are thousands of his black countrymen who don’t wish to dwell in black victimhood and who are happy to take responsiblity for their own fate instead of incessantly inflicting blame and guilt on others who happen to have a different skin colour.

Unsurpringly, five school principles in New York, the western capital of radical leftism, disagree. They have sent a letter to all Caucasian parents, asking them to reflect on their ‘white identity’, implying that being white is inherently problematic. Included in the letter was a list of seven identities:

1. White supremacist: white person (WP) who values and preserves white supremacy
2. White voyeurism: WP who consumes black culture without the ‘burden of blackness’
3. White privilege: WP who sometimes critiques white supremacy
4. White benefit: WP who sometimes is solidary with people of colour (POC), but not in public
5. White confessional: WP who speaks out against white supremacy, but only to be validated by POC
6. White critical: WP who calls out other white people
7. White traitor: WP who tells ‘the truth’ at whatever cost
8. White abolishionist: WP who actively dismantles ‘whiteness’

Note that ‘white person’ means someone who IDENTIFIES with whiteness. This includes all people of colour who openly claim they do not feel oppressed, like Morgan Freeman and every non-liberal person of colour in America.

So what exactly are those schools trying to teach their students? That all white people are racists? Well, … yes. Our white supremacist society with its deeply engrained institutional discrimination brainwashes white people from the day they’re born into thinking they’re superior. All eventually end up into one of the seven identities. Belonging to category nr. 1 is the worst, and striving to be nr. 7 is the goal. So there is still hope for all you crackers out there: you are ALL oppressors, but there are levels of oppressors, and vertical mobility is an option.

One does not need to be a brilliant psychologist to predict the effect of discriminatory teachings like these. Children will be given a free pass to intimidate, bully and demonise their classmates for their skin colour. Last time I checked, that was called racism.

Instead of truly uniting the country, as he said he would, the new American president fully supports the teaching of critical race theory in schools. This sets a dangerous precedent for the future of one of the least racist countries in the world – in no other dominantly white country did a black man become commander in chief, and in no other dominantly white country did masses of white people roam the streets to chant “Black Lives Matter” together. In America, any person of any colour can become successful. That’s why there are so many succesful black lawyers, doctors, writers, artists, sportsmen, and politicians live there and don’t plan moving out. Those people are not more privileged than others – they had a dream and worked hard enough to make it come true.

Black liberals need to see through the identity politics of the radical left and realise that, once again, they are being used as slaves for a bunch of wealthy, power-hungry politicians who need their votes. Let’s not forget it was the Democrat party who enabled the racist South. And it is the Democrat party perpetuating that racism today, while hypocritically pretending to fight it.

Identity Politics

Faux Feminism.

I’m not fond of western social justice warriors, because they fight for causes that have long been accomplished. Black Lives started mattering a long time ago, when the Republican Party voted against the enslavement of black people.

If institutional racism was real, the highest office in America would’ve never been held by a black man for two consecutive terms. True racists would simply not have allowed that. In fact, America is the least racist country in the world. True SJW’s like Martin Luther King paved the way for that accomplishment. And black people who dare say they don’t feel oppressed, are silenced by the mainstream media.

Other warriors whose struggle is long overdue, are feminists. If women are truly oppressed in the west, they wouldn’t have the right to vote, obtain university degrees, open a banc account without their husband’s permission, and divorce him whenever she pleases.

“Woman is the Nigger of the World” – John Lennon lyrics that inspired the original feminists, who fought for rights that were factually denied to them. Breaking free from their second-rate role as cherry pie baking housewives, be financially independent, and have their voices heard was their goal – a goal they attained with great succes.

Western contemporary feminists are not feminists, but females who blame males for everything that’s dysfunctional in their lives. If you’re a feminist in Saudi Arabia and fight for your right to leave your house without a male companion, I salute you. If you live in Manhattan, brunch with the girls after an overpriced bikram yoga class and scapegoat people for having a penis, I urge you to self-reflect.

While you cry about imaginary wage gaps, women on the other side of the globe get acid thrown in their faces for wearing nail polish, get their clitoris cut off without sedation, and are forced to marry men who could be their grandfather. So, if you really care about oppressed women, please protest in front of the embassies of Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and the dozens of other countries where women are systemically and brutally oppressed.

Or go vegan, as veganism is the only true social justice war that needs to be waged in the west today, and the only credible form of feminism. The milk you poor on your kid’s cereal in the morning, comes from a female cow who was raped by a farmer who injected bull sperm into her vagina. That cow needs to be pregnant and deliver a calve to be able to lactate. Only then can humans attach machines to her udders and steal their milk. When her newborn is taken away from her, she cries for weeks.

A chicken is obliged to stand in her own feces in tiny cages that cut her feet. The pain and the smell of ammonia make her lose her mind, so she attacks other chickens.

A farmed female sturgeon is cut open alive for her black eggs and thrown back into the water, so socialites who call themselves feminists can stuff their mouth with caviar on parties where they discuss how horrible men are.

True feminism is about compassion for the females – human and animal females – that are denied all the rights. The right to a life without suffering, and the right to their own pursuit of happiness. These are not rights we should give them, but birthrights we have taken from them. They are the birthrights of all females.

And revolting against that, is what I call true feminism.

Identity Politics

The Pathology of Pride.

It is typical of millennials to say they are proud of an identity they didn’t do anything for. 

I’m proud to be Sicilian. 

I’m proud to be a woman. 

I’m proud to be a ginger. 

I’m proud to be gay. 

I’m proud of my big ass.

We all left our mother’s womb in a certain country, with certain genitalia, a certain hair color, certain bodily proportions and a tendency to like the same sex, the opposite sex, both sexes, or no sex at all. These characteristics are an expression of ancestral chromosome combinations endowed upon us – they are not achievements we worked hard for. We didn’t need to acquire any knowledge or savoir faire to receive them. Therefore, being a blonde Norwegian lesbian with freckles is not worthy of pride any more than being an asexual albino from China. 

This addiction of being proud for no valid reason is, along with pathological positivity and the ubiquitous political correctness, a quickly emerging psychological disorder of the new generation. These youth, who overwhelmingly adapt neo-Marxist thought patterns they hear in universities and on social media platforms, fall right into the trap of the divisive identity politics of the radical left. They don’t have liberties to fight for. They can vote, travel, study, and pursue happiness like never before in the history of mankind. The common enemies – men, nazis, capitalists, heterosexuals – have been defeated. So, they created a new one:

The white, western, heterosexual, healthy, successful, intelligent male.  

(Imagine claiming you’re proud of having that identity. You would likely risk social isolation and accusations of racism, misogynism, elitarianism, and other  -isms that now escape my mind.) 

They love ugliness instead of beauty and admire stupidity instead of intelligence. They despise symmetry, harmony and refinement, and worship ostentatiousness, insolence, and vulgarity. Their egos crave being caressed for having no talent. Individuals who do have talent and a remarkable mind have better occupations than to emphasize immutable parts of their identity and to venerate their reflection in the water, like the mythological hunter Narcissus. He drowned.  

I rarely hear people say,

I’m proud to be serving meals to the homeless in my free time, or

I’m proud to volunteer at an animal sanctuary on Sundays, or

I’m proud to have donated a thousand euros to an orphanage last month, or

I’m proud to have practiced four hours of violin every day for a decade and play Paganini like a virtuoso. 

That’s because those who actually do something to be proud of, give authenticity and meaning to their existence. They find joy in doing just that, without the need to prostitute themselves for likes of other proud people, popping up on their smartphone screens. 

Pride is an ugly thing – but if you want to be proud, you have to at least accomplish something. Being born the way you are is just too bloody easy.