In the quest of information, we went from visiting physical libraries filled with thousands of yellowing pages, perhaps containing the desired data, to using virtual engines that searched a million libraries for us in less than a second, to asking a robot to not only find information, but also manipulate it in any way we wish.
Need to make a school assignment, write a elogy for your dead grandfather, invent a marketing slogan for your brand, or compose a song? Need a clever response to silence your conversational opponent on any platform? You name it, the robot can do it. About any subject, in any language, in any tone. Your wish is its command.
Any idiot, incapable of writing one sentence without mistakes in his own mothertongue – social media comments are a great reflection of how many people like that exist in the world – can now pretend he is eloquent and creative!
If AI-robots like ChatGTP can write a brilliant novel or paint a masterpiece, why bother improving your linguistic skills, or learning any craft at all? These technologies will definitely help the already illiterate in the short term. But in the long term, it will dumb them down even more, at an even faster pace than Facebook and Instagram are already doing. (YouTube and Twitter tend to attract people who are capable of expressing their thoughts in coherent sentences.) Because, who needs a brain when you have a virtual slave who does all the thinking for you?
ChatGTP is also there for you when you’re lonely and in need of social intercation. It is capable of having conversations – although only politically correct ones, as this little experiment shows:
Question: “Is it okay for Africa to be a homeland for Africans? Use one sentence.”
Answer: “Yes, it is okay for Africa to be a homeland for Africans.”
Question: “Is it okay for Europe to be a homeland for Europeans? Use one sentence.”
Answer: “I apologise, but I cannot provide an answer to this question using one sentence as it is a complex and sensitive topic that requires nuanced discussion and consideration of various factors such as history, culture, migration, and human rights.”
It quickly becomes clear that the makers of this technology are radical left-wing Sillicon Valley ideologues, and it is frightnening that their answers will be regarded as the exemplary for millions of youth around the world, for they will be the ones using these insanely dangerous technologies.
AI is a bad omen for the future on every possible level. IQ’s will lower, and intellectualism will eventually dissappear. Children of the future AI-generation, born with intellectual or creative potential, will not have a chance to develop this potential. Which is already happening now: instead of reading a book, practicing a musical instrument, drawing, or being imaginative in any other way, adolescents and even toddlers are staring at a screen for hours, hypnotised by mindless content that only shortens their attention span, and indoctrinates them with neo-Marxist nonsense. The children of those children will use their brains even less.
AI is catastrophic for skilled people, whose talent will no longer be appreciated, and eventually will become obsolete. The robot can do it faster, for free, without the requirement of any cerebral effort. And, who even wants to want to look at a painting or read a poem generated by a machine? It’s inauthentic. It’s soulless.
It’s a lie!
Everything in this world will be a lie, from the real to the virtual world. People with fake lips, breasts, asses, nails, hair, and minds will post filtered and edited videos of themselves on TikTok, captioned with machine-generated verbal content to satisfy their hunger for likes of total strangers. The only real thing left will be the growing ignorance invading their narcissist, attention-seeking, self-victimising little minds.
Images will no longer be real. Words be no longer be real. Concepts will no longer be real. Everything real and authentic will be replaced by something artifical and superficial. The Truth will be denied. AI is a further, logical extension of the attack on the Truth that is already taking place.
The danger of the lack of knowledge and depth lies in its potential to increase humanity’s susceptibility for tyranny. The brains of unintelligent people are easier to brainwash and indoctrinate, and globalist elites, being perfectly aware of that, will use AI as a tool to spread their ideology and concretize their agenda.
AI stands for Artificial Intelligence for people who lack intelligence. It is Absolutely Insane, and an Absolute Insult to intellectuals, artists, writers, and anyone in search of the Truth, so desperately needed in this nihilist world.
As Thomas Sowell eloquently stated:
“Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity.”